I have found a the perfect gift for any baker or girl with a sweet tooth: HELLO, COOKIE DOUGH. It’s probably the only “raw diet” I could every stick to! LOL This decadent, funny and doable recipe book is written by Kristen Tomlan, the owner of DO, Cookie Dough Confections, the world’s first edible cookie dough shop, located in NYC, where people line up for hours waiting to get a taste.

HELLO, COOKIE DOUGH is filled with over 100 recipes that any lover of cookies will enjoy. This book is full of delicious and tempting edible cookie dough recipes that will have you sneaking spoonfuls of doughy goodness from the container in the fridge at 2am. Everything to make (salmonella safe) raw cookie dough is in these pages, and it will be torture trying to pick the first recipe you want to try. The sugar cookie recipe alone makes it worth the money. Such yummy fluffy little clouds of goodness.
Whether you are vegan, gluten-free or even on a diet, there are some recipes in this cookbook just for you.
You can get it now, just in time for the holidays on Amazon and it’s also available for Prime!
This book was sent to me from the publisher for free because I am a lover of all cookies, but my opinions and details are my own.