Dear sweet baby girl, I see those tears and they create tears in my own eyes…because I know the pain…the heartache that comes with change. I feel the fear. I hear the sadness in your voice as you focus on your days in Preschool- the thoughts of the teacher you adored and who adored you… and I can understand your worry about the unknown of Kindergarten. But I promise you that your next teacher will adore you and you will adore them…most likely more than you previously experienced. Please be open to these new experiences, because they will bring you great happiness once you realize there is so much more to come. But this will not be the last time that you try to cling to your past because in it lives a certainty the future doesn’t. The familiar memories of your preschool days are comforting but they are keeping you from seeing the beauty of your next steps….your steps into big girl school. It is scary, I know. But please hear me when I saw… “Your Past is NOT Your Future.” Learning to hold on to the good through memories, letting go of the bad through lessons and embracing the fact that it is your past for a reason…that reason is there are greater things ahead for you. Sometimes we allow the past to keep up from seeing what’s ahead. It is a tough thing to understand but being stuck in the past is like walking forward with your back facing the front…You miss out on what is in front of you because you are focused on what lies behind you. Today was a big day, my sweet girl. This moment will seem silly one day. You faced it and I know you will see that Kindergarten is way better than preschool. You just have to appreciate the process. It is a lesson that I hope you apply in every facet of your life as you grow up because there will be bigger pasts that you have to walk away from in order to see the bright light waiting for you. Your tears are just the first of the many that will fall over your life because of change. Change, if accepted willingly and openly will allow you to run toward your future, appreciating your present and help you see over the past to find great joy. Just remember: The past is your lesson. Let it go and let it be. The present is your gift. Embrace it, Don’t miss it. Soak it up. And the future is your motivation! The unknown can be anything you want it to be. Don’t make it scary, make it magical. Use those lessons and those gifts to create that future of your dreams. And please make those dreams bigger than those memories! And through all uncertain moments, know without a doubt, your mommy will always be there to reassure you that with each “this” time and “this” change- is exactly what you need to grow! |

Just remember:
The past is your lesson. Let it go and let it be.
The present is your gift. Embrace it, Don’t miss it. Soak it up.
And the future is your motivation! The unknown can be anything you want it to be. Don’t make it scary, make it magical. Use those lessons and those gifts to create that future of your dreams. And please make those dreams bigger than those memories!
And through all uncertain moments, know without a doubt, your mommy will always be there to reassure you that with each “this” time and “this” change- is exactly what you need to grow!
Love your biggest supporter and number one fan,