Building Our Dream Home: Month 5 – signing the contract
After waiting for what felt like an eternity, today was my turn to discuss the lot options available! I was so excited and overly prepared for my meeting with Pulte (my sales guy is Tanner-he’s great btw). The available lots were in Edgewater Shores, a different community than I had originally planned with a different home model also than I had planned. But during these 4 months of being on the waitlist this entirely new community within Babcock was opening up and releasing their first round of lots that was even more perfect for me…so it was obviously meant to be. If I was set on my first house plan and lot in the other neighborhood I would still be waiting.
In today’s meeting, Tanner and I went over all the floor plan options and crunched numbers on the different lots and estimated the custom upgrades I would want and then came to a decision – The Mystique floor plan with the optional loft and golf cart garage extension on lot 1614 in Edgewater Shores now has my name on it! I DID IT!!!
Well sort of. Unofficially it has my name on it. Tanner is writing up the contract tonight and I will sign it asap this week and then it will for sure have my name on it! I still feel like it is just a dream; I cannot believe I went from major debt inherited from my divorce 4 years ago and low credit to this moment today. I am in a bit of shock – crazy what a change can come about in a few years. More than anything, I am so proud to show my kids that hard consistent work really does pay off. They have watched me work for it and now they get to see th dream literally develop into reality right before their eyes!
So here it is… the floor plan for my dream home in Babcock Ranch.