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If you are anything like me, you love to try new things and you love it, even more, when those new things are FREE. So the Daily Goodie Box is something you will want to sign up for.
This post was created in partnership with the Daily Goodie Box. I was sent this box for the purpose of writing this review as always, opinions, insights and my taste buds are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make A Cupful possible!
Free Samples
If you are thinking, yep then you will love the Daily Goodie Box. The Daily Goodie Box is a sample box service. Once you sign up (it’s FREE to sign up!), you then fill out your profile so that they can match you with a box to suit you. Once you receive a box, you can leave reviews for the items you receive, which will help you qualify for receiving future boxes.
I have had a variety of sample boxes sent to me but the Daily Goodie Box surprised me with the quality of products in the box. I was not disappointed by any of the 7 items in this box.
What is in a Daily Goodie Box
My box contained the following items:
- Gary Poppins Lite Popcorn
- Herr’s Popped Chips
- EMpact Protein Bar
- Natralia Anti-Itch Cream
- Raw Revolution Superfoods Bar
- Dream Water Sleep Aid
- Alsa Energy Drink Mix
I always hope to find something new that I love in sample boxes, after all, that is the point. However, you never know what you will get and may not love anything. This box did introduce me to several new products that I liked but also led me to a new brand that I will definitely be a continual customer of.
My Favorite: EMpact bar
These nutrition bars are delicious and everyone (even my picky eater toddler enjoyed them) liked the taste and texture. I will continue to eat. Check back for a more detailed review of the EMpact Bars next month + there will be a giveaway so that you have a chance to try my favorite Daily Goodie Box item.
Have you heard of the Daily Goodie Box? If you like trying new things, it is worth signing up for because there is nothing to lose. It’s free!

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